Accurate sales projection holds significant strategic and technical implications for organizational security and growth. A predictive sales analytical model involves arriving at an informed sales forecast through the study of correlating and past trend data to assist your company to strategically plan and manage future peaks and troughs.
Every business needs to differentiate between clients that increase net income from those who do not. Client profitability typically falls within the 80/20 spectrum, where 20 percent of the clients account for 80 percent of the profits, and 20 percent of the clients account for 80 percent of customer-related expenses. Bifurcating this distinction is vital for the long term success and integrity of your business structure.
By understanding your clients’ profitability, you will be able to analyze every client group and garner useful insight in whether to manage continued engagement. However, the greatest challenge to customer profitability analytics comes in failing to analyze the client’s contribution to the overall integrity of the organization.
For organizations to remain competitive within an industry, organizations need to differentiate between lucrative and unprofitable products. Product profitability analytics can help your company analyze the profitability of each product rather than the business inventory as a whole, establishing product discernment to revamp inventory for increased growth.
Your company needs responsible management of cash flow to run daily operations. Cash flow analytics involves managing real-time indicators such as Working Capital Ratio, Cash Conversion Cycle and Regression Analysis to ensure your company has sufficient cash flow to support a comprehensive range of business functions.
Most companies have a mission statement outlining what they are hoping to achieve. This statement which encompasses layered corporate goals can be formal and listed on a strategy map that pinpoints key value drivers for a clear-eyed assessment of existing functional capabilities. Value driver analytics assesses these goals to ensure that they align with the company’s trajectory and can deliver the expected outcome.
The profits and losses, and their interpretation by analysts, investors, and the media can influence your business’ performance in the public arena. Shareholder value analytics calculates the value of the company by looking at the returns provided to shareholders. Such analysis measures the financial repercussions of a strategy and reports how much value such strategy delivers to shareholders. Shareholder value analytics is used concurrently with profit and revenue analytics. You can use tools like Economic Value Added (EVA) to measure shareholder value analytics.